Established 1966

Republican Women's Club Of Lakeland

No Meeting

Due to circumstances beyond our control we have to Cancel our March 25th General Meeting.
We will be sending out the Newsletter to our members.
 Meetings will resume on April 23rd 2025.
We look forward to seeing you at the Downtown First Friday Event March 7th Friday Evening.

The Republican Women’s Club of Lakeland

Founded August 15, 1966 with 18 Charter Members

Our charter was originally received from the National Federation of Republican Women and the Florida Federation of Republican Women on August 11, 1975. 

Over the years, we are proud to say the Republican Women’s Club of Lakelands memberships have consistently and steadily increased to well over 100 members making us one of the largest clubs in the State of Florida.
Kelli Stargel, Colleen Burton, Josie Tomkow and Melony Bell (Republican Florida Legislators) have been long time members of our club.

Our strength is not just in numbers. It is in the power to make things happen!
Elected officials in our county will tell you that our members make a huge difference at election time with our volunteer hours, support from our members, as well as donated money. 

Rev 03.02.2025

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